Continental Divide Lodge

Posted by Stella on Tuesday Jun 28, 2011

On June 23rd, we spent a full day at the Continental Divide Lodge. It was a nice day, so my sisters and I went outside to play. First we went to the play set. On the play set there was a swing set, a seesaw, and a rope that swung and had knots up and down it like seats.

On the see-saw and swing

Ana made it to the top of the rope ladder

I went for the swings. I found that if you have shoes on, the swings are very fun to jump off of. When you are in the air, you feel like a fairy, and when you land on the rocky sand, you feel like a galloping deer. I did this over and over, all day, except for when I spooked Ellie on the seesaw. Then I tried the swinging rope and realized that it wasn’t my favorite, uhh, activity on the playground. Here’s a picture of The Tale of Stella’s Splinter.

Jean is working hard to get my splinter out

I never really got it out. Well, Jean didn’t get it out, but I did. With my freshly grown extremely long nails. Ever since I was a baby, I’ve had an awful habit of biting my nails. A few days ago, I decided it was time to actually break the habit, after many failing attempts. And today I used my nails to get out the phantom splinter, the thing that was bothering me for the past few days.

After I’d had my fun on the playground, I discovered the volleyball court. My sisters and I played for the rest of the day until it was time for dinner, and after that, it was time for bed.

Playing volleyball in the Yukon

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Entering The Yukon And Staying At Our First Yukon Campground!

Posted by Greta on Tuesday Jun 28, 2011

June 22nd, we finally entered the Yukon territory!

It was quite exciting. The sign was big and blue, and it welcomed us into the beautiful Yukon and the Alaska Highway.

My dad has always wanted to go to the Yukon, and he's finally here!!! 😀

We drove for about an hour before we reached our campground, Continental Divide Lodge and RV Park. (By the way, we crossed the continental divide twice on our way to our campground. But not the Atlantic/Pacific divide; the Pacific/Arctic divide!) It’s really nice, with nice showers, a playground, nice owners, good wifi, and good play space. Although there ARE a ton of mosquitoes *sticks tongue and swats millions of obnoxious bugs*. Otherwise we like it a lot! We’re going to stay here for two nights. 🙂

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